lunes, 1 de setiembre de 2008

Sega, 700 juegos un link + emulador

4in1 AAH-RMON Action 52-in-1 (UJE) [c][!] addamsvalues aerobiz AFLASH airdiver AIR_BUST aliensol ambition APOSSUM arc-psyc arcade a_blstrs BADOMEN BALLJACK BALLZ barbie bartvssm bass_macl batman1 batman2 batman3 Batman4 battletoads BATTLE_G BATWINGS BB-ROAR BCAChampionshipPool beavbutt BFUTURE3 biohaz BIOSHIPP BLD-VENG bloodlin bmaster2 BOB BODCOUNT Body count bombermanx8 BONANZA BONKERS BOOGRMAN BRAMDRAC brogers BRUTAL btoads BT_DD bubsy Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble (4) [!] B_FRENZY CAESARSP CALI_GMS Chakan - The Forever Man (U) [!] CHAKAN champbowling CHAMPOOL ChaosEngine2 CHASEHQ2 Chuck Rock 2 (U) (beta) [h3][x] chuck2 CLAYFTR CLUE COMBATCA CONTRAUS Cool Spot (2) - Spot Goes To Hollywood (E) [h][x] COOLSPOT CROSFIRE crueball CYBERCOP CYBORGJU Daffy darkcast DAZEXMAS DBZ ddragon decapatk demoman DesertStorm devilcra Dinosaurs for Hire (hack) (U) (X) djboy Donald Duck in Maui Mallard (A) doomtroopers drevenge dtracy DYNADUKE EBOOT ecco2 eccojr Eidolon's Inn Commercial #1 ejim2 elemastr elimdown EscapeFromMars eswat EvanderHolyfieldsRealDealBoxing exile EXOSQUAD f1_circus fam_feud fantasia ffury ffury2 Fifa97 firemustang fistns FistOfTheNorthStar flashbak FLINK Forgotten Worlds (REV 00) (JUE) [!] frewind funcar fworlds f_real g-loc gaiares garfield gauntlt4 gbusters gchaos gemfire Ghost Hunter () [x] ghouls gods goldaxe2 goldaxe3 goldnaxe goofy greendog GRETWALD grindstr gunstar gynoug g_force2 hangon Hardwired hball94 hentai1 hook hurrican imgtenn indycrus insectox insectrx itchy jeopardy jim Judge Dredd - The Movie (JUE) (beta) [x] junglebo Jurassic Park (JUE) [h] j_park_r j_pond j_pond2 kidc kingmons KingsBounty klax ksfh k_bounty lastbtle Legend of Toki - Going Ape Spit, The (J) [R-USA][c][!] lhx Liberty or Death (U) LNDSTLKR lotus2 m-andret madden98 Magical_Christmas_Greetings_Demo marblem marvland Master of Monsters (U) [h] mauimallard maxcarn megaturr menuload menumain menutabs mickeys_ultimate_challenge microm micro_machines2 midnir mikywrld milcomm mk mlfootbl mlhockey mmglobal monopoly montana2 moonwalk mrnutz mspacman MUSHA mystic-d mystical m_mnstrs newmindy nhl96 Nightmare Circus (F) (X) ninjag nzstory OGREBAT Ooze, The (5) Ottifants, The (E) (beta) (German) Out of this World (JUE) [h1][x] outland Outlander (U) [h][x] outr2019 OUTRUN outrunrs pacatack pacman2 PACMANIA paprboy2 pebble phelios PINKPANT populou2 POWERNG powrdriv prostrik pstar2 pstar3 puggsy pulseman PUNISHER quakshot RANGERX resq rex riseofro risk RISTAR RKNIGHT rlthund2 ROADRASH RoadRash3 RoadRunner Rocky and Bullwinkle, The Adventures of (U) rolo rrash2 rstimp-i SCOOBYMY shiningdark Shove It - The Warehouse Game (U) [o][x] sidepock sltrsprt smashsbros snowbros soldeace Sonic 3D Blast (F) (!) Sonic Spinball (U) (alt music) [!] Sonic the Hedgehog SONIC WARRIOR THE TEMPEST OF TIME sonic2 sonic3 sonic4 sparkstr Speedy Gonzales - Cheeze Cat-astrophe (hack) (JUE) SPIDANIM Spiderman - The Animated Series (4) (beta 2) [x] Spiderman and Venom in Seperation Anxiety (F) [!] spidrman splaths2 splatr3 Star Trek - Deep Space 9 - Crossroads of Time (U) STARCONT starfl STEEL_EM STNEXTG stormlrd streetra strider strider2 subte SUNSETRI system s_beast s_beast2 s_tweety t2-judge T2Arcade Target Earth (U) [!] tazmania tearth tfharr theooze toe_jam TOE_JAM2 Tom and Jerry - Frantic Antics (1994) (U) [!] truxton turbo twinhawk twinktal tyrants TZESCAPE t_bowl3 Ultimate Qix (JUE) ultraman vaprtrai Virtual Pinball (UEJ) [o] v_point wardner warsong wiznliz Wonderboy 5 (MonsterWorld 3) (UE) [!] Wonderboy 6 (MonsterWorld 4) (J) [!] WORMS X-Men (E) X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (JEU) [!] ZERO_T zoom zoop ZT20623A Battletoads (JUE) [!] Battletoads and Double Dragon (U) [c][!] Best of the Best - Championship Karate (U) [c][!] Captain America and the Avengers (J) [!] Comix Zone (1) [!] Championship Pro Am (U) [c][!] Gens gens Gens Gens_ita191 history kailleraclient language MD4218 Sprites FIFA Soccer 2000 Gold Edition (W) [p1][!] Rambo III (REV 00) (JUE) Road Rash 2 (UEJ) [!] Robocop 3 (UE) [!] Robocop vs The Terminator (REV 670) (U) [!] Simpsons, The - Virtual Bart (JUE) [!] Street Fighter 2 Plus Champion Edition (J) [!] Super Mario World (Unl) [c][!] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (4) [!] Virtua Fighter 2 (F) [!] Virtua Racing (U) Wonderboy 3 - Monster Lair (JUE) [c][!] Worms (UEJ) (prototype) [c][!]
pass : icecube
Creditos: churret

2 comentarios:

italiano dijo...


vassilli dijo...

OOpppsss perdon, y gracias por avisar!!!